SK-Cube SK-Cube video 1 video 2 SK-Cube features SK-Cube panels SK-Cube rockwool

Configure Your Cube

Linear Motion
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Control Board
Both Klipper or ReprapFirmware are available for SK-Cube and each of them provides a wonderful web interface which allows you to access the full capability of your SK-Cube. Please download firmware configuration files from SK-Cube GitHub repository .
XY steppers
Build Plate
Assembly Service
This is a new work flow for me 😅 In order to minimize the expectation gap between us, please discuss the details about your requirements using the chat button. The formal price will be USD 400.
Socket type:
  • SecKit can only provides types B/F/G/I currently. Please self-source a converter if your socket type is not supported.
  • The switch in MeanWell PSU can be selected between 110V and 220V
Shipping method
Apply Cube2023Discount for a 100 USD discount!
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Kit price
787 USD
Shipping fee